Parasites can prey on anyone, anywhere, and at any time. Fortunately, natural parasite cleansing is easier on the body and helps detox effectively. 

While it is true that some of you may feel some uncomfortable symptoms during the parasite cleansing process, the upside to treatment far outweighs the temporary discomfort. Many may not feel any symptoms at all or simply feel a slightly upset stomach. 

The best approach for natural parasite cleansing has four elements to it:

  1. Getting drainage pathways moving
  2. Using antiparasitic formulas
  3. Adding fulvic acids to absorb and remove toxins
  4. Choosing a diet with anti-parasitic foods

As long as you keep supporting their liver, gallbladder, and kidneys during the parasite cleansing process, soon they’ll be on the other side of the unpleasant die-off symptoms. 

However, here are some benefits of natural parasite cleansing that you can look forward to. 

1. Balanced mood 

Health and wellness experts know that parasites disrupt more than digestion. If you have felt increased anxiety, depression, irritability, and other mood disorders, parasites could be the cause. (1)

This is not a unique situation. With infections like Lyme, the chemistry of the brain is affected, as well as neurotransmitters, as neurotoxins build up and alter mood severely. (2)

It’s fairly common that you might experience a flare of mood-related symptoms while actively cleansing, but then enjoy a much more stable mood afterward.

2. Better respiratory health 

Certain parasites, like lung flukes, live in the lungs and affect respiratory health directly. Other parasites release toxins that may affect respiratory systems, causing air hunger, burning lungs, shortness of breath, or other symptoms. Clearing out parasites can in turn clear out the respiratory system. (3)

Try a Himalayan salt inhaler to naturally calm irritated airways temporarily while they cleanse out the critters. (4)

3. Decreased headaches 

Do you ever get unexplained migraines that are so debilitating they are nauseous for 24 hours and cannot handle the slightest light or quietest sound? Or do they just get frequent dull headaches that don’t go away no matter how much water they drink? 

If you have neurological Lyme or parasites that have an affinity for the brain, you may experience severe headaches as a result of the infection. (5)

Do not be discouraged if they experience some headaches during their cleanse, though. As with many of the above benefits, they may experience a slight worsening of current symptoms before they experience an improvement. Lavender or peppermint essential oils might provide you with temporary pain relief during this time. (6)

4. Enhanced absorption of nutrients

When you no longer have pathogens stealing their nutrients, they will start to notice true health. They will have better sleep, clearer skin, hair that grows longer and thicker, and stronger nails. (7)

When the parasites are gone, you will get all the nutrition from their food and supplements.

5. Healthier joints 

Parasites release toxins that cause systemic inflammation, which can cause joint and muscle pain. Additionally, some experts believe parasites can seek out old injuries to settle into, making soreness in those areas even worse. (8)

While cleansing, an infrared heating pad or sauna can help with pain. Taking an Epsom salt bath can also relieve joint pain. (9)

6. Heightened mental clarity 

Have you ever struggled with brain fog? For instance, they cannot remember something, even though it feels right on the tip of their tongue. They may have to re-read the same sentence over and over but they just cannot process it like you used to be able to. 

Brain fog has many potential causes, but neurotoxins released by parasites could be one of them. After cleansing, you will notice their mental acuity becomes sharper and their thinking becomes clearer. (10)

7. Increased energy 

Having hundreds and thousands of parasites stealing all the nutrients and minerals can cause the body some serious fatigue. Often, doctors cannot pinpoint the cause of the fatigue and may diagnose their patients with fibromyalgia or irritable bowel syndrome, but the root cause could be parasites. (11)

Certain pathogens, like babesia and hookworms, can cause anemia because they affect the blood. Battling these overgrowth will surely restore your energy and vitality. Being able to absorb the nutrients they intake rather than having them stolen will help them get back to normal energy levels. (12)

8. Improved digestion 

Many parasites hide in the bile duct, intestines, and liver. Once they’re eliminated, you will notice improved digestion. (13)

The liver produces bile, which pushes through biliary tubes to reach the bile duct. The gallbladder stores the bile, releasing it when one eats to help emulsify fats. (14)

If your digestive organs are full of parasites, they won’t work optimally, upsetting digestion. This causes other health issues, like allergies or pain. To work on gallbladder and health during their parasite cleanse, patuebts can focus on castor oil packs and coffee enemas. (13)

9. Lessened rashes or skin sores 

The skin is an organ of elimination. Parasites, toxins, and even eggs can exit the body through the skin and cause itchy rashes or sores. That means a parasite cleanse is actually cleansing more than parasites. It’s also tackling pathogens that might be triggering your skin rashes, too. Either way, they may find their skin clears up after parasite-cleansing. 

Essential oils can help temporarily with skin irritation while you are evicting parasites. (16)

10. Minimized bloating, cramping, and gas

Once you get deep into a parasite cleansing, they should notice less bloating, constipation, diarrhea, gas, and other stomach issues. 

That doesn’t mean the cleansing process will be free of those symptoms, however — it’s likely they could flare up as they’re eliminating pathogens. But at the end of the process, these unwanted gut symptoms should be significantly reduced. (17)

11. Reduced cravings

Parasites get energy from sugar, so it’s not surprising that they can manipulate the body to crave bread, crackers, and ice cream. 

During a parasite cleanse, it’s important to try to eliminate sugar and grains so they are not feeding the pathogens. They will notice cravings start to disappear as they eliminate parasites. (18)

12. Strengthened immune system 

Parasites are intelligent creatures, with the ability to trick the immune system into thinking they belong in the body and shouldn’t be attacked. This ensures their own survival, but over time weakens the immune system. (19)

These parasites, now safe from being attacked, happily feast on all the nutrients vitamins, and minerals the body needs for optimal health. Parasites weakening the immune system leaves the body open to other infections as well. Removing these critters can help reset the immune system and bring back balance. (20

13. Supported optimal overall health

No matter your symptoms, one thing is clear: If they’re dealing with parasites, cleansing them will improve their overall health. (21)

Why should they wait a year or more for their body to expel parasites, in the meantime losing energy, muscle mass, and valuable time enjoying life? 

No matter what your life goals are, don’t let parasites prevent them from achieving those goals. Proactively support their body during this cleansing process.

Parasite-Fighting and Immune-Boosting Foods

Along with the recommended parasite protocol, you can also modify their diet and lifestyle to have the best chance at ridding unwanted pathogens from their body and getting the most from their parasite cleanse.

Foods to Avoid


Dairy is an inflammatory food for the body for many reasons. While it’s true that some people cannot digest the sugar (or lactose) in milk, there are other reasons why dairy is always at the top of the inflammatory foods list. (22)

Milk is processed, pasteurized, and homogenized. It’s rough on the digestive system and can be mucus-producing for most people. To give your body the best fighting chance to release parasites, have them focus on anti-inflammatory foods, instead. (23)


Grains turn to sugar in the body, so it’s best to avoid grains as much as possible while actively getting rid of parasites. That means reducing bread, chips, corn, oats, quinoa, rice, etc. (24)


Sugar feeds parasites, so you should eliminate it during their cleanse. This includes cakes and cookies, but also “healthier” sources of sugar, like dried fruit, grapes, and maple syrup. Sugar is destructive to the body and addictive, so it’s better if you can keep their intake to a minimum, even after a parasite cleanse. (25)

Foods to Consume 

Fresh vegetables and fruits 

The fiber in vegetables and fruits will keep the bowels moving to help expel the parasites and toxins as quickly as possible. You may want to limit fruit at the beginning, however, since they are high in natural sugars. It’s best to eat fruits lower in sugar like berries or green apples when they add them back. (26)


The allicin in garlic is potent against bacteria, but also fungus and viruses. To reap the benefits, Eat it juiced or crushed to release the allicin, and start out slowly. (27)


Ginger is great for the digestive system, and it can help relieve die-off symptoms during a parasite cleanse. For example, making tea with fresh lemon, ginger, and a little honey can clear mucus. In studies, ginger has been effective in eliminating parasites. (28)

Papaya Seeds

These seeds have been shown to have anthelmintic effects on parasites in trials performed on rats. They can also help with digestion since they contain enzymes. Papaya seeds are a good source of fiber that can help keep your drainage pathways moving. (29)

Raw Pumpkin Seeds 

Pumpkin seeds contain an amino acid called cucurbitin, which can paralyze parasites, and prevent them from attaching to the intestinal wall. (30


Curcumin, the compound in turmeric, is a very effective anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiparasitic food. It has been used in studies to treat severe, drug-resistant parasitic infections.  (31)

Freedom from Freeloaders 

Parasite cleansing doesn’t have to be scary or intimidating for you. Remind them that a parasite cleanse is a marathon, not a sprint. 

Go low and slow to minimize their chance of reacting with die-off symptoms. But if die-off symptoms do happen, fulvic acid can absorb the toxins the dying parasites are releasing into the body system. 

However, Carbon Technology leaves behind building blocks for healing and restoring your tissues that have been damaged by the parasites.

Make sure your drainage pathways are also moving well. The lymphatic system and bowels need to be working to make sure the parasites have a pathway out of your body.

Assure yourself that a natural parasite cleanse can be liberating from symptoms holding them back, including:

  • Brain fog and memory problems
  • Breathing issues
  • Chronic pain
  • Digestive upset
  • Joint problems
  • Migraines
  • Skin problems 

While it can be a long process, getting to the root of the health issue is essential. In the end, full recovery from parasites remains the ultimate goal.