Our hormones are constantly balancing in the background to make sure that their levels stay consistent and steady. Sometimes due to natural life stages, such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, (male)menopause, or age, our hormones levels get off-kilter. That’s when symptoms begin to show. If you find yourself experiencing fatigue, headaches, weight gain/loss; hair thickness changes (scalp or facial); irritability, mood swings, depression; prostate issues; ed; infertility; muscle mass decrease, lower libido; or menopause symptoms before age 45, it would be a good idea to get your hormone levels tested.


Hormone levels are usually measured via a blood test. Certain hormones are measured at specific intervals during a monthly cycle, while others can be taken at any time. Your practitioner will instruct you about the correct timing of each blood test. Hormones are affected by natural & artificial causes, and their solutions can be natural or medical.

The Natural Way: Living A Healthy Lifestyle

The first line of defense against any type of hormonal imbalance is leading a lifestyle that prioritizes health. Sufficient sleep, proper nutrition, exercise regimens, low-to-moderate alcohol, limited caffeine intake, maintaining a healthy BMI (Body-Mass Index), and of course, not smoking – are the first lines of defense for maintaining the proper hormonal balance. The factors not within our control that affect hormones are environmental ones. Unfortunately, not all environmental toxins can be avoided with today’s modern lifestyle.


Medical solutions to an imbalance include HRT (Hormonal Replacement Therapy) and specialized bio-identical hormones, that are exclusively offered at Longevity Care Clinic. Bio-identical hormones are so-named because their molecular makeup is a replica of the hormones found in nature– estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, cortisol, DHEA, estradiol, and estriol.

The Good News

Many illnesses or disorders that originate due to a hormonal imbalance can be remedied with Bioidentical hormone replacement. This is usually a relief for the thousands who suffer from these symptoms. You could be feeling back to your energized self within a short time. Contact us for more information on hormone balancing for optimal well-being.