Toxins and Terrain: The Endless Cycle at the Root of Disease
Why do we get sick? Terrain theory looks at the body's natural environment and how it responds to environmental influences in trying to arrive at a root cause of illnesses. Following this way of thinking equips you and your patients with a way to attack and prevent health problems at their root. And detox plays a big part.
Top Tips for Parasite Prevention: How to Protect from an Infection
There's an epidemic in the world that isn't talked about enough. This piece uncovers a snapshot of how widespread it really is and some advice on how to minimize your patient's risk.
The Science Behind Liver Health and Detoxing
In this article, we break down the science behind liver health and highlight the key functions of this vital organ for detoxing. In addition to that, we touch on unhealthy liver symptoms, helpful supplements, and more.
The Role of the Vagus Nerve in Chronic Illness
The brain uses the vagus nerve to control the parasympathetic nervous system, which covers the detox, digest, healing, recovery, and rest aspects of the nervous system. Although the vagus nerve is not the only nerve that controls the body’s ability to decrease stressors, it is by far the most important due to its far-reaching effects. No other nerve has such a widespread impact. Help your patients or clients enjoy their lives by showing them how to manage this body control center.
The Main Benefits of Coffee Enemas
While not an easy subject to talk about, coffee enemas can be another tool in the toolbox to help people on their health journey. Learn more about coffee enemas main benefits as well as how to help instruct on how to approach doing this type of enema.
The Dangers of Leaky Brain and How to Support the Blood-Brain Barrier
Discover how a “leaky brain” could be behind brain fog, fatigue, mood issues, and more. Learn the top causes of brain inflammation — from toxins to food sensitivities — and practical ways to support your brain health naturally. Take the Cellular Inflammation Assessment to uncover what’s really going on in your body and start your path to healing.