Do you question if you are experiencing perimenopause, or are you concerned about dwindling fertility in your 40s and hope to experience a healthy pregnancy before your period ends?

In the back of your mind, most women know that their period will cease at some point. But unless they are actively experiencing symptoms of menopause, it’s not something to focus on unless they are trying to conceive after the age of 35.

Perimenopause is the stage leading up to menopause, the complete cessation of menses. It is a natural phase all women go through, most typically during their late 40’s. As research suggests, most women experience menopause at the age of 51.5 in the U.S. During perimenopause, women experience a myriad of symptoms that are uncomfortable to deal with without intervention.

Perimenopause Specifics

Perimenopause can last a few months or a few years, with the average being 4 years. Symptoms of perimenopause are:

  1. Menstrual cycle changes. Menstrual cycles may be further apart than usual, to the point where you’ve skipped a few months straight, or, cycles may shorten by as much as two weeks. Even when you do have your period, the number of bleeding days will vary. All in all, perimenopause might make you feel like your menstruation is all over the place.
  1. Hot flashes. This is a classic symptom of perimenopause. When you suddenly find yourself swealtering for no reason whatsoever as you go about your day.
  1. Lower libido.   Due to the hormonal changes, you might have less interest in being with your partner sexually. This usually evens out and can be assisted medically.
  1. Symptoms of worsened PMS. Heavier cramping, breast tenderness, bloating, and mood swings, sometimes before or during your period, and other times seemingly randomly throughout the month.
  1. Fatigue. With the myriad of hormonal swings, your body can tire more easily.

Fertility Loss

If you are concerned about the loss of fertility that’s not related to perimenopause, as you show no symptoms, discussing things with your gynecologist can help sort things out. Fertility issues are complex. Schedule an appointment with a Longevity Care Clinic gynecologist to sort things out. Women don’t know how much time they have to have a healthy pregnancy. Why waste time and increase your risk of a missed opportunity? There are many medical options to help with infertility, even if you are perimenopausal. Contact Longevity Care Clinic now for a comprehensive look at how we might assist you.

Planning Ahead

Eventually, all women’s periods cease, and there is no way to slow down the process. When you experience menopause is likely based on when your mother and grandmother experienced it, although it’s not guaranteed.