
The Role of the Vagus Nerve in Chronic Illness

The brain uses the vagus nerve to control the parasympathetic nervous system, which covers the detox, digest, healing, recovery, and rest aspects of the nervous system. Although the vagus nerve is not the only nerve that controls the body’s ability to decrease stressors, it is by far the most important due to its far-reaching effects. No other nerve has such a widespread impact. Help your patients or clients enjoy their lives by showing them how to manage this body control center.

2025-01-23T15:05:07-07:00December 4, 2024|

The Benefits of BioToxin Binder: A Look Inside

The most important part of any detox journey is the use of binders. These materials have been used for centuries to bind to toxic heavy metals, harmful microbial byproducts, pesticides, radioactive elements, and more, and move them out of the body. Learn more about the latest binders for environmental byproducts and supporting your patient's detox journey.

2025-01-23T15:05:07-07:00December 4, 2024|

The Battle for a Healthy Brain: Toxins and Inflammation vs. the Blood-Brain Barrier

The brain is one of our most important organs. So we need to do what we can to protect it. The skull and blood-brain barrier are useful allies in the battle for brain health, but we can also do our part by eliminating brain-hungry toxins, fighting brain and systemic inflammation, and maintaining good gut health.

2025-01-23T15:05:07-07:00December 4, 2024|

How to Guide Your Patients to Achieve Their Weight-Loss Resolutions

Whether someone is new to weight loss or stuck in a weight-loss rut — and whether they need a new technique, a reminder, or a reset — here is some information that can help everyone in their journey to their slimmer self.

2025-01-23T15:05:08-07:00December 4, 2024|

How Both Spore-Based and Non-Spore-Forming Probiotics Support Detoxification and a Healthy Microbiome

Probiotics have received a lot of attention recently. The microbiome, an ecosystem of living microbial organisms in the gut, has been credited with providing all kinds of health benefits. Both spore-forming and non-spore-forming probiotics can assist in detoxification in the gut, plus support a healthy microbiome.

2025-01-23T15:05:09-07:00December 4, 2024|

Addressing the Root Cause of PCOS and Endometriosis

PCOS and endometriosis are hormonal conditions that affect millions of women worldwide. If you have either of these syndromes, she may experience uncomfortable symptoms or infertility issues. Certain toxins can lead to hormonal dysfunction, but there are natural ways to address and remove these obstacles for a healthy, happy reproductive age.

2025-01-23T15:05:09-07:00December 1, 2024|
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