
Sleep Deprivation: The Negative Effects and How to Help

Adequate sleep is vital for proper brain function and optimal body system operation. Many factors disrupt sleep and contribute to the inability to fall or stay asleep, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and restless legs syndrome. It is important for practitioners to be aware of and proactive in managing their patients' sleep.

2024-12-08T03:12:00-07:00December 4, 2024|

9 Ways to Boost Mitochondrial Function (and the Immune System)

As well-known powerhouses of the cell, functioning mitochondria are essential to everyday living. With all the functions they carry out in the body, keeping mitochondria healthy is also vital to your immune health. Find out what nutrients and practices can naturally boost the health of both mitochondria and the immune system

2024-11-29T00:05:28-07:00November 29, 2024|
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