
Toxins and Terrain: The Endless Cycle at the Root of Disease

Why do we get sick? Terrain theory looks at the body's natural environment and how it responds to environmental influences in trying to arrive at a root cause of illnesses. Following this way of thinking equips you and your patients with a way to attack and prevent health problems at their root. And detox plays a big part.

2024-12-31T10:24:56-07:00December 4, 2024|

3 Waterborne Parasites and How to Help Detox

The parasites to really be aware of, whether at home or traveling, are aquatic parasites. These omnipresent parasites can find their way into a host through a variety of avenues, but they typically end up in the body via contaminated food or water. Here are the top three waterborne parasites that can do serious damage to the intestinal tract

2024-11-29T00:42:17-07:00November 29, 2024|
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