Parasite cleanse

How a Parasite Cleanse Helps Healthy Zinc Levels

Making sure the body has enough zinc may not be as simple as eating foods rich in the mineral. A hidden parasitic infection could be zapping zinc. And worse, when the body is low on zinc, the critters thrive. Read on to learn how doing a parasite cleanse can help patients with healthy zinc levels.

2024-12-08T02:22:03-07:00December 4, 2024|

3 Waterborne Parasites and How to Help Detox

The parasites to really be aware of, whether at home or traveling, are aquatic parasites. These omnipresent parasites can find their way into a host through a variety of avenues, but they typically end up in the body via contaminated food or water. Here are the top three waterborne parasites that can do serious damage to the intestinal tract

2024-11-29T00:42:17-07:00November 29, 2024|
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