During the holiday season, spanning mid-November to mid-January, the average person gains around three-quarters of a pound. Although seemingly minor, this weight gain accumulates significantly over time, amounting to a substantial 20 pounds over two decades, with the majority occurring during the holidays. Maintaining a healthy holiday season amid the demands of work, social events, and family gatherings can be a challenge, but it’s possible without sacrificing enjoyment. Winter weight gain is a common occurrence that’s usually caused by factors including lower activity levels and overconsumption of calories during the winter holidays.

Although small fluctuations in weight aren’t anything to be concerned about, gaining a significant amount of weight over the winter months can negatively affect certain aspects of health and impact quality of life. Effective strategies include managing one’s diet, allowing for some indulgence in holiday treats while making mindful choices, and prioritizing moments for mental well-being amid the festive chaos.

Winter’s cold temperatures, disrupted sleep, excessive alcohol, poor diet, and social gatherings can lead to common colds and broader health issues during the holidays.  These issues are linked to elevated heart rate, increased weight, high cholesterol, and a heightened cardiovascular disease risk. Dining out, holiday gatherings, and workplace feasts contribute to higher salt, carb, and alcohol intake compared to other times of the year. These factors collectively impact health and contribute to the rise in hospital visits.

During Thanksgiving or Christmas, the average adult consumes around 3,000 calories, which can escalate to over 4,500 calories with additional eating throughout the day, exceeding daily recommended limits of 2,000 for women and 2,500 for men. To reduce calorie intake during holiday feasts, consider strategies like removing turkey skin saving 50 calories, using skim milk or new potatoes in mashed potatoes, and cutting back on bread. Opt for fresh desserts, like fruit sorbet instead of pumpkin or pecan pie, to save calories. These steps encourage healthier holiday eating habits, helping avoid excess calorie consumption and potential harm to one’s weight and well-being. Here are a few more to keep in mind.

Portion sizes

Control portion sizes to manage calorie intake; large servings can lead to overconsumption. Cranberry sauce has 110 calories per quarter-cup, sweet potato casserole has 620 calories in a half-cup, and mashed potatoes contain 237 calories per one-cup serving. Opt for smaller portions to enjoy holiday favorites without excess. Calorie pitfalls extend to holiday parties, so have water or fruit before to curb overeating. Practice mindful eating, use smaller plates, wait 20 minutes before having seconds, and snack healthy before social events.


To maintain good digestive health and well-being throughout the holiday season, it’s important to follow some key practices. Firstly, regular physical activity and exercise can be incredibly beneficial. They help improve blood circulation and keep the digestive system moving smoothly. Additionally, include fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet. These foods aid in the easy passage of substances through your digestive tract.

Hydration & Sleep

Proper hydration is crucial, so make sure you drink plenty of water. This helps transport nutrients efficiently throughout your body. Getting enough sleep is another priority. Sleep supports both your overall health and your gut health. During sleep, your body undergoes repairs and restoration. A lack of sleep can disrupt this process and influence your dietary choices, which can in turn affect your gut health.


Consider incorporating probiotics into your routine to support your gut health and boost your immune system. You can find probiotics in foods or supplements, but many people prefer foods because they are better at surviving the acidic environment of the stomach. Plus, these foods often contain unique nutrients and are more enjoyable to consume. When choosing probiotics, focus on specific strains rather than generic terms like Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium to maximize the benefits for your gut health.

Ionic Detox

Revitalize your body with an Ionic Detox Treatment. This therapy involves a comforting footbath where water is ionized using Himalayan salt, a copper tub, and a gentle electric current. The Himalayan salt acts as an electrolyte source. The process employs osmosis to enhance lymphatic circulation, complemented by organic essential oils for toxin elimination. During each session, the body naturally rids itself of substances it’s ready to release, with the potential for cells to expel toxins into the lymphatic system. Unreleased waste can later be eliminated through the body’s natural processes. Enjoy this experience in the group therapy room, fostering relaxation, socialization, sound therapy, and connections with health-conscious individuals.

When it comes to staying on track during the holiday season, the key is to make a mindful choice. Remember, prevention is always better than cure! If you’re seeking extra support or guidance, our dedicated care teams are here to help. Led by top-notch doctors with advanced training in functional medicine, nutrition, and comprehensive testing, we’re ready to assist you in discovering what suits you best. Don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment – we’re here for you!