Dr. Pavlovic
Longevity Doctor
Dr. Pavlovic is an Osteopathic Physician working in the area of Wellness, Primary Care, Physical Medicine, Nutrition and Hospice. Dr. Pavlovic earned his medical degree and trained at UNT Health Science Center in Fort Worth, Texas. He is steeped in practice of Functional Medicine and has years of experience as an osteopathic primary care physician. His experience in Hospice care has taught him that quality of end of life depends on the quality of life during the healthy and productive years, thus he is more engaged in raising awareness and is educating his patients in the area of healthy nutrition, gastrointestinal health, physical health, herbal nutraceuticals, and more. He follows his deep believes in healthy lifestyle and is passionate about spiritual health, diet, reading, physical fitness and theater. When Dr. Pavlovic is not seeing patients he enjoys running, hiking, biking, snow shoeing and skiing.