Life would cease to exist without the NAD molecule. It is used as fuel by multiple enzymes for the brain, muscles, immune system, and energy production. NAD deficiency is associated with type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, obesity, cardiac and cerebral ischemia, mitochondrial dysfunction, and overall aging. It is sometimes called the “molecule of youth” because levels dramatically drop as humans age.

So how can we boost our levels naturally with IV Therapy?

  • Energy stressors will stimulate NAD production. These include fasting, caloric restriction, and exercise.
  • Certain foods can initiate NAD production, including salmon, spinach, lean meats, legumes, and nuts. It is important to note that dietary intake is not the main source for NAD because its demand exceeds its capacity to produce it. The body uses a recycling pathway within the body to keep up with production.
  • The main enzyme in this recycling pathway is NAMPT. Resveratrol supplementation, calorie restriction, fasting, and exercise have increased NAMPT levels. This molecule also has a daily peak, with levels peaking in the early afternoon, so it is best to utilize these promoters in the morning to early afternoon.
  • Supplements in the form of precursors have been found in studies to aid in the synthesis of NAD. Nicotinamide riboside (NR), nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN), and niacin. NMN is harder on a budget, with a quality supplement costing about $5 per day.

When boosting NAD levels, natural by-products will occur. These are called metabolites. Methylation is the process by which these metabolites are formed. This is drawn from the body’s natural methyl pool. Because methyl groups are required for many other functions, including neurotransmitters and DNA, it is essential to replenish methyl groups, especially when taking higher doses of niacin, NMN, or NR. It is suggested that niacin be taken concurrently with trimethylglycine (TMG) at a 1:1 ratio. For NMN or NR, the ratio would be 1: ½.